Thursday, January 29, 2009

Final Press Release 1: Announcement

January 29, 2009
For Immediate Release
ABC Real Estate
123 Creative Way
Logan, Utah 84341

Successful Idea Moves to Cache Valley
ABC Real Estate Aims for Investors

LOGAN Utah—ABC Real Estate has found a new home in Logan, Utah. In August of 2008, President Preston Parker brings a successful idea to Cache Valley. Parker brings this idea to the Valley after a very successful track record for this type of company. This is the third location for this creative way to buy and sell homes. The first location was created in Southern California in the 1970’s and has been going strong ever since. More recently, Salt Lake City has benefited from this business, and has been doing so since the 2002. Preston Parker had this to say about the future potential of the business, “This has been a successful business model for the past 40 years, and we are excited and hopeful that it will continue to work here in Cache Valley.” In the two previous locations this business has seen a 99% success rate.

ABC Real Estate is looking for investors to help get this process started. A seller can offer their home to be put into a trust where these investors will need to pay an initial investment. After this initial investment has been paid residents can then move in to the house. These residents will, for the most part, not have good credit. These residents will then make payments toward the trust until their credit is to a point where they can buy the home for themselves. Once their credit reaches this point the trust is broken and the original home owner plus the investors plus ABC Real Estate will get a portion of this trust.

This type of buying and selling homes is very beneficial to all the parties involved. The original home owner is able to sell the house to someone that was not able to buy it on their credit while also collecting some of the trust money. The original investors make money during the time while the residents are paying towards the trusts. In the end, the residents are able to build their credit back up to a point where they are actually able to buy the house. This is a great opportunity for all the parties involved. In the past 40 years this company model has faced all kinds of different markets in all kinds of different economic situations and has proved to be successful in all of them.

Matt Ferris
Vice President