Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Reading #1-Email Etiquette

This is a great reading, and it is very relevant to the way the world of business is run today. With big companies that everybody has heard of, this kind of thing is typically not too big of a problem, as they understand the importance of the problem. For other companies, it is a huge problem. Just last semester I wrote an email and a letter to one of my favorite sports teams growing up, the Seattle Thunderbirds, a local junior hockey team that I grew up watching. I wrote them an email complimenting them on being a good organization to go watch and follow, and then also complimenting them on the grand opening of their new arena, which opened January 3rd, 2009. I'm positive that I sent my email to the write email address, and after a day, a week, a month, and even until now, I have not received an email back, or a letter in the mail. Not a huge deal I guess, but not something I would be proud of if I were them either. I would assume that it is not that important to them as now they have a brand new arena and are financially thriving, but I thought it was interesting and went along with this reading well.